using dry erase markers and a white board. We pull this out on occassion for something different to do for 10 mintues while Andre and I try to work on a project on the weekends.

Some days I feel that it's a zoo around me, happy certainly, but a little chaotic feeling at times. I have to remind myself to be thankful for the great imaginations the kids have. This picture was Monday (all day!)...I'm not entirely sure what they had going with all the boxes and boards and laundry baskets and black laundry drying rack, and a box of plastic Easter eggs we found, but it was intentional to them, and they were happy! Today is Wednesday, and I keep trying to get things put away, and as soon as it disappears, they ask where it went and want it back! I have rescued my laundry baskets out of necessity, and picked up plastic eggs so they wouldn't be squashed, and just choose joy as I navigate the toys that will one day be gone, and the fact that my kids have the freedom to just be kids.

Saturday morning fun...boards were used to roll trucks down, and then to have a race with hockey pucks to see who's hockey puck could make it into the box at the end (not pictured). The kids have claimed these boards as theirs...the long one is Ethan's for his cars, the short thick one Sierra uses as a balance beam.
1 comment:
How I LOVE seeing the pictures and hearing about the children's activities. You are a wonderful Mama, Krista. And like you said, soon the toys will notbe ther "in the way and out of place" and the children will be phoning from college. Yes, soon.☺
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