Monday, December 10, 2012

Snow Day

 This first picture isn't from today's snow day if you observe the deck in the back, but it was one of our crafts in the last week.  Decorating paper Christmas trees with glitter and sequins.

 Gingerbread houses and trees is one of their favorite Christmas activites, and they've been waiting weeks to do this.  With the winter storm we had yesterday and school cancelled for Sierra today as a result of the amount of snow we got, it was a good morning to do it! 
After they did the gingerbread houses, they created a fort in the living room, and hauled up all of their stuffed animals, pillows, and sleeping bags.  They begged to take their afternoon nap in there after lunch.  Don't they look cute all cuddled up sleeping next to each other? 

1 comment:

Lynette said...

We could see the little flashlight in the background of on of the pics! :) They are so good at crafting. Looks like some serious Christmastime fun in your home!