Monday, February 25, 2013

new things

new things around here...Grant started to smile a couple weeks ago (he's 6 1/2 weeks old), which delights us all.  He continues to be an easy, serious little fellow, and we are adapting to three kids, and always being outnumbered.  The hardest thing for me right now is the unpredictability of my days due to Grant, not knowing when he'll need to eat or sleep, or how long he'll sleep for.  Let alone the lack of sleep for both Andre and I, since he's up till midnight every night for school (he's just started his graduate level online courses for his MBA). 

We had eye exams a few weeks ago, Andre and I for our regular check-ups, and Sierra because of a note we got home from her school vision screening, recommending that she be seen by an optomotrist.  After he saw her he wanted to see Ethan as well, and their eyesight is worse than Andre's!  SO, new glasses for them!  They are getting used to wearing them, Ethan is doing better than Sierra.  From observation, we think that he really couldn't see anything before, and now the world is clear!  He studies pictures in books so much more closely now.  Glasses cases have now been added to my burgeoning diaper bag.

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