Wednesday, May 22, 2013

 My dad turned 60 last month, and we had an open house birthday celebration for him.

 Helping to get the garden in...Ethan loves his wheelbarrow, and they both love to help plant seeds!  We don't have everything in yet due to there are lots of trays of seedlings sitting in our dining room waiting to get planted.
 for some reason putting their toys on a blanket makes it more fun? :)  Happy here with barbies, ponies, blocks and trucks on a rainy day.
 working on their "sewing"...lacing cards really, though Sierra is working on an embroidery project, while they listen to a book on tape.
 She loves her baby brother!  Holding him while I read aloud the Little House on the Prairie series.
 Sidewalk chalk paint is lots of fun as the weather turns nice! 
 Waiting to go for a walk.

We had Sierra's friend E over all day after school today, and they had tons of fun!!  Lots of dress-up, doctor, dancing, an art project, etc.  And I love seeing my kids learn to open their home/toys to others, and laugh lots!

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