Friday, September 6, 2013

First day of Kindergarten!

Sierra started kindergarten this morning...and she was excited!  Had her backpack ready, clothes out, and lunch packed the night before! She didn't want us to walk in with her, she wanted to be dropped off at the doors and go herself--ever our independent girl!  And now she wants to ride the bus (feels a little too soon for this young momma! :) ).  The first thing she said when she got in the van this afternoon was "I had a GREAT day!".  We are so thankful for that, and that she has kids in her class she already knows, and a seasoned teacher.  Ethan and I will take a few days to adjust to not having her around all day.  She is his best friend, so he's a bit lost without her.  But Ethan loves to entertain Grant!

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