Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This and That

 Andre shot a deer this month and saved the heart for the kids.  Biology lesson right there in the dining room!
 Our little man is on the go!  Not walking yet, but pushing everything he can and starting to cruise along furniture. We're predicting by Thanksgiving he'll be walking.  He starts his day early at 5:30/6am and keeps me running until naps/bedtime.

 Andre and Ethan have been working in the garden lots...and except for a few brussel sprouts the whole thing in torn out and the first tilling done. 
 Family trip to Como Zoo a few weeks ago.

What we're up to...

ANDRE: garden and yard work.  He's done amazing amounts out there without my help this season.  Ethan is his little buddy out there.  He's also been out bow hunting on some public land close to our house a few evenings a week and often parts of Saturdays.  Only one deer so far.  He'll assemble the hockey rink before the ground freezes.  School resumes in January for him.

ME:  Kids, house work, meal prep/planning, cooking pounds of apples (thank you Pam :) ) and pumpkins, and then doing it all over again.  Very ordinary days, for which I'm thankful.  Grant is busy, Ethan is very content to hang out with me and do Legos and playdough for hours. 

SIERRA:  is completely happy riding the bus and LOVES school.  She is learning to read, and spends her time at home writing us notes on scraps of paper that we try to decipher. 

BOYS: at home. playing. laughing.

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