Wednesday, November 16, 2011

hockey rink

This picture doesn't do it justice--I'll have to get more once it's fully done with lights, snow and ice of course, but Andre's building a 40' x 60' hockey rink in our backyard (almost as big as our garden). It won't have full boards, it'll only be as high as the picture shows. My dad is working on making goals for it, and Andre is putting up Christmas lights on the house as I post this, as well as getting spotlights mounted on poles or something. Call us crazy I suppose. :) For those who know Andre, when he does something, he goes all the way and continues to dream even bigger! But we love to skate together (I know, two people who grew up in Africa!), and this will enable us to be out in the evenings without finding a sitter, and be able to teach the kids, and hopefully down the road be a gathering place for the neighborhood kids (we have the youngest on the block).