with his new tractor and trailer, hauling cars. If it has a hitch, surely it has a trailor to go with it is how Ethan thinks!

New jammies, for the girl who loves jammies and always has!

Andre told the Christmas story after dinner using a flannelboard set I have.

Enjoying his sparkling grape juice in a champagne glass--this was a treat--both the juice and the glass!

Christmas Eve dinner...the four of us were at home for Christmas Eve, which was really really nice. We had a turkey dinner with lots of leftovers, after an afternoon church service. Christmas Day we spent a couple hours at my parents (my sister and fiancee were in the Caymen Islands with his family), and then the rest of the day at my grandma's with extended family.

Cooking a 23 lb. turkey for Christmas

A favorite of Ethan's (I think this was before Christmas), to fill up bowls and cups in the sink after we're done baking--it'll occupy him for hours and he really doesn't make to much of a mess!
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