Friday, August 17, 2012

 Water play and outdoor finger (or body) have loved the water balloons that I discovered in our garage and their little pool on the warm days.  (the water is brown due to the high rust content of our well water--doesn't seem to bother them at all!)

 New haircut!...Sierra and I finally got tired of battling over the tangles and what to wear in her hair to keep those tangles at bay (her opinion was always nothing).  Andre cut her hair short and voila, we have no more arguments, and I/she can brush it in less than a minute, and she doesn't have to wear the ponytails she didn't like! Below, Ethan also had his hair buzzed by Andre on the same night.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

We just looked at many of your posts! The kids and I think Ethan and Sierra look so much bigger and like they know how to have fun! We also liked the feet pic to share your very happy news!