Wednesday, September 12, 2012

 painting and playdough...

 enjoying the riding one day, puddle stomping another.

 making lots of refridgerator pickles (not canning pickles these year...yet).  pickles have been a craving of this pregnant lady for a couple months it's a good thing I make 7 quart jars at a time! :)
 My parents took the kids and I to the MN state fair this year (first time for the kids, and I haven't been since Andre and I were dating 9 years ago!).  Kids LOVED the rides!!
 Pizza Hut treat one Saturday when we were out running errands and buying a new van as a family!
 This is the handsome little (or big rather, as he always corrects us now) boy that I get to spend a couple hours alone with every day, now that Sierra has started morning 4K (pre-school).  He LOVES the time alone, and we've baked, gone on bike rides, had a swimming playdate, played in the sand box at the church down the road, and read tons of Frog and Toad stories. 
 And the girl who's also growing up too fast!....she started 4K and loves it as well!!  Is anyone surprised? :)  She just misses time alone with me now, and so has been asking for that.
 She wouldn't let me take a picture of her on the first day of school, but here's the second day.  We had to veto the Easter hat. :)  and the next day had to veto the leotard. :)  I pick my battles. 

1 comment:

Patty M said...

Krista, THANKS for sharing ....sounds like you are awesome parents!