Monday, February 20, 2012

Sierra turns 4!!

Best buds.

"When I grow up I want to be a doctor..." We'll see if this ambition changes over the years. So far it has been there since she could articulate it, and has been fascinated with medical stuff since she was about 2.

The princess castle cake.
Andre, ever the engineer, first designed the cake on his CAD program, then built it from there. As usual, it took a few hours, but he enjoyed the artistic/designing process. It was beautiful, and sickeningly sweet....four pounds of powdered sugar frosting alone, let alone the cake!

Waking Sierra up on her birthday with the requested lion cupcakes. She'd been instructed to stay in her room until we came, as she's often the first one up, and at 5:45am I heard over the baby monitor, "Ethan, go wake up Mom and Dad!", which he did, but instead of telling her he did, he simply crawled in bed with us for another 45 minutes, making her wait. :)
We celebrated our daughter turning FOUR this past weekend. She is a delight to us, full of laughter and silliness and compassion and kindness and LIFE. We are thankful for her.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Wow, seriously cool cake! Looks like a fun day for your sweet girl! The Valentine's Day hearts with notes and candles at dinner seem quite perfect!